(c) 2015 WIYN Observatory, All Rights Reserved The .dat file contains a list of stellar profiles, created from a collection of stars in a few selected magnitude ranges. The format of the filename is as follows: profile__XXX.XX--YYY.YY.dat where XXX.XX and YYY.YY mark the minimum and maximum magnitude range of stars contributing to each profile. Within the file, stars are listed one by one, with #-delinated lines giving some information about each star (mostly X/Y coordinate, and flux) Columns are: 1) radial distance from center of star, in pixels center position as determined by SourceExtractor 2) background subtracted flux. Fluxes in individual pizels are normalized by the integrated, background subtracted flux in a 6 arcsec aperture. 3) radial distance in arcsec The plate scale is 0.1127 arcsec/pixel. ----- Image header for source frame /nas/wiyn/odi_calibrations/psf_encircled_energy/calibrated/20131027T190244.0_scp_phot_stripe82_23h_r_odi_r.4511/20131027T190244.0_scp_phot_stripe82_23h_r_odi_r.4511.fits =============================== SIMPLE = T / conforms to FITS standard BITPIX = 8 / array data type NAXIS = 0 / number of array dimensions EXTEND = T Additional time stamps DATE-MID= '2013-10-28T02:03:21.434' / Date at exposure mid-point TIME-MID= '02:03:21.434' / Time at exposure mid-point DATE-END= '2013-10-28T02:03:51.435' / Date at exposure end-point TIME-END= '02:03:51.435' / Time at exposure end-point MJD-MID = 56593.08566475116 / MJD at exposure mid-point MJD-END = 56593.08601197917 / MJD at exposure end-point Derived global data SKYLEVEL= 156.3931884765625 / median global sky level SKYBG = 156.3931884765625 / median global sky background SKYBGCLP= 156.3745040893555 / 3-sigma clipped median sky level SKYBGMIN= 146.4816589355469 / miminum sky level SKYBGSTD= 1.691934695518118 / std.dev. of sky level SKYSMPLS= 1522 / number of sky level samples SKYL1SIG= 155.2187973864437 / sky level lower 1st quantile SKYU1SIG= 157.8497660513079 / sky level upper 1st quantile SKYL2SIG= 153.6099586708993 / sky level lower 2nd quantile SKYU2SIG= 159.9096349748516 / sky level upper 2nd quantile SKY_LO5P= 154.0865699768067 / sky level, 5 percent SKY_LO5S= 150.2318817138672 / sky level, lowest 5 samples FRNG_SCL= -1.0 / median fringe scaling FRNG_STD= -1.0 / fringe scaling uncertainty PUPLGFAC= -1.0 / pupilghost scaling GAIN = 1.268899082568807 / global average gain [e-/ADU] NGAIN = 573 / number of cells contribution to gain SKYNOISE= 16.20022139904022 / noise level of sky background Exposure- and instrument-specific data RA = '+23:00:00.96' / Telescope RA of observation (hr) DEC = '+00:00:00.26' / Telescope DEC of observation (deg) TARGRA = '22:59:60.00' / Requested target RA TARGDEC = '00:00:00.00' / Requested target DEC TELRAOFF= '-23:59:59.907' / Telescope RA offset TELDECOF= '-00:00:00.21' / Telescope DEC offset FILTER = 'odi_r ' / Filter configuration name in beam FILTERID= 'w105 ' / comma separated list of filter barcode IDs in b FILTDSCR= 'ODI SDSS r''' / Filter description EXPTIME = 60.0 / [s] Requested exposure duration WCSASTRM= 'o20120807T222201 (g) by F. Valdes 2012-08-17' / WCS Versioning EXPMEAS = 60.001 / [s] Measured exposure time ORIGIN = 'WIYN Observatory' / WIYN Observatory INSTRUME= 'podi ' / Instrument name RADESYS = 'FK5 ' / Default coordinate system TIMESYS = 'UTC ' / Time system LSTHDR = '21:3:55.11' / LST of header creation OBSERVAT= 'KPNO ' / Observatory TELESCOP= 'WIYN 3.5 meter telescope' / Telescope OBSERVER= 'unknown ' / Observer(s) PROPOSER= 'unknown ' / Proposer(s) DATE-OBS= '2013-10-28T02:02:51.434' / Date of observation start (UTC approximate TIME-OBS= '02:02:51.434' / Time of observation start MJD-OBS = 56593.08531752315 / [d] MJD of observation start DATE = '2013-10-27T19:04:06' / UTC Date of filecreation ZD = 0.735545970058747 / Zenith distance AIRMASS = 1.34766494 / Airmass TELFOCUS= 8359.1875 / Telescope focus TRACK = 'Not tracking' / Telescope tracking ELMAP = '39:00:00.0' / mapper elevation AZMAP = '00:59:59.9388' / mapper azimuth ROTPORT = 'wnir ' / Tertiary port selection FOLDPOS = 'wnir ' / Tertiary port selection OBSBLOCK= 'obsid ' / ID of originating observing block definition ADCMODE = 'NEUTRAL ' / ADC operating mode ADCANG1 = 0.0 / [deg] Rotation Angle of ADC Prism 1 ADCANG2 = 0.0 / [deg] Rotation Angle of ADC Prism 2 ADCJD = 'unknown ' / Predicted MJD mid time of exposure for ADC ROTSTART= -273.9925880555555 / [deg] WNIR rotator angle @exposure start ROTEND = -274.0648408333333 / [deg] WNIR rotator angle, CW from N; at end of ROTOFF = 0.0 / [deg] WNIR rotator angle offset after exposure TEMPSTAT= 'OK ' / Status of thermal system DEWAR = 'ODI Dewar' / Dewar identification COOLHEAD= 67.43300000000001 / [K] Cooling Head Avg Temperature COLPLATE= 152.945 / [K] Cold Plate Avg Temperature FOCPLATE= 169.101 / [K] Focal Plane Avg Temeprate DEWPRESS= 1.0 / Pressure in Dewar mTorr FLTARM1A= 'OUT ' / Status of Filter arm 1A FLTARM1B= 'OUT ' / Status of Filter arm 1B FLTARM1C= 'IN ' / Status of Filter arm 1C FLTARM2A= 'OUT ' / Status of Filter arm 2A FLTARM2B= 'OUT ' / Status of Filter arm 2B FLTARM2C= 'OUT ' / Status of Filter arm 2C FLTARM3A= 'OUT ' / Status of Filter arm 3A FLTARM3B= 'OUT ' / Status of Filter arm 3B FLTARM3C= 'OUT ' / Status of Filter arm 3C SHUTDIR = 'B->A ' / Shutter operation direction SHUTOPEN= '1382925771.434819' / Time stamp shutter open event SHUTCLOS= '1382925831.435327' / Time stamp shutter close event CONTROLR= 'STARGRASP' / Detector Controller IMAGESWV= 'edu.wiyn.ODI.pipeline.GraspToFitsV0.2' / Image Creation Software World Coordinate System WCSFIXED= T / Was WCS calibration performed WCSCAL = T / Was astrometric solution found WCSXRMS = 0.3412465228311127 / RMS in x-dir of astrometric solution WCSYRMS = 0.3405182637027162 / RMS in y-dir of astrometric solution ASTRMCAT= '2MASS ' / astrometric reference catalog WCS1_DA = 0.9000000000000004 / WCS initial guess angle [deg] WCS1_DRA= 2.551619125152932 / WCS initial guess d_RA [arcsec] WCS1_DDE= 6.419276477653757 / WCS initial guess d_DEC [arcsec] WCS1_N = 197.0 / WCS initial guess n_matches WCS_NRND= 23.0 / number of random matches WCS_QUAL= 36.28150804593101 / WCS quality WCS2_DA = 0.9621648088282757 / WCS rot refi angle [deg] WCS2_DRA= 2.794661261533273 / WCS rot refi d_RA [arcsec] WCS2_DDE= 6.603510776696273 / WCS rot refi d_DEC [arcsec] WCS2_N = 197 / WCS rot refi n_matches WCSMXPOS= 2 / maximum pointing offset searched for success WCSEXPOS= 20 / maximum pointing offset allowed by config WCSMXROT= '[-3,3.5]' / maximum pointing offset compensated WCSPLIST= '[2,5,8,12,20]' / maximum pointing error allowed WCSQUALS= '[36.282,-1.000,-1.000,-1.000,-1.000]' / WCS quality WCSMINQ = 3.0 / Minimum WCS quality for successful calibration WCS_RMSA= 0.3412465228311127 / RA r.m.s. of WCS matching [arcsec] WCS_RMSD= 0.3405182637027162 / DEC r.m.s. of WCS matching [arcsec] WCS_RMS = 0.4820807787699459 / r.m.s. of WCS matching [arcsec] WCS_ERRA= -0.02905415575147692 / RA median error WCS matching [arcsec] WCS_ERRD= 0.01097017856919735 / DEC median error of WCS matching [arcsec] WCS_NSRC= 286 / number of sources for WCS calibration WCS_SIGA= 0.256510277142975 / 1-sigma width of WCS error in Ra WCS_SIGD= 0.2291817385535078 / 1-sigma width of WCS error in Dec WCS_SIG = 0.2508265749126011 / 1-sigma width of WCS error combined FWHM_ALL= 0.86145516 / median FWHM of all sources FWHM_FLT= 0.8546256 / median FWHM, 3sigma clipped FWHMNFLT= 495 / number of src in FWHM comp FWHMSTAR= 0.8485722 / median FWHM of SDSS-matched stars SEEING = 0.8485722 / Seeing [arcsec] SEEING_N= 303 / number of stars in seeing comp Photometric calibration results PHOTMCAT= 'SDSS ' / catalog used for photometric calibration PHOTFILT= 'r ' / filter from reference catalog PHOTZP = 26.1182328756278 / phot. zeropoint corr for exptime PHOTZPSD= 0.05794200725801674 / zeropoint std.dev. PHOTZP_X= 30.56361100158691 / phot zeropoint for this frame PHOTZPSP= 26.17492797194128 / phot ZP upper 1sigma limit PHOTZPSM= 26.06139580983191 / phot ZP lower 1sigma limit PHOTZPER= 0.002886296967798487 / phot ZP std.err of the mean PHOTZP_N= 404 / number stars in clipped distrib. PHOTZPN0= 419 / total number of matched ref stars MAGZERO = 26.1182328756278 / phot. zeropoint corr for exptime MAGZSIG = 0.05794200725801674 / phot ZP dispersion MAGZERR = 0.002886296967798487 / phot ZP uncertainty MAG0MODE= 'fwhm_x_3' / how was aperture determined MAG0SIZE= 3.0 / what aperture size was used MAG0_MAG= 'mag_aper_3.0' / id string for magnitude MAG0_ERR= 'mag_err_3.0' / is string for mag error FLXSCALE= 0.005950529319096752 / flux scaling factor for ZP=25 RADZPFIT= F / was a radial ZP (ZP=p0 + p1 x r) fit done? RADZP_P0= -99 / radial ZP fit, ZP offset at r=0 RADZP_P1= -99 / radial ZP fit, slope in mag/degree RADZP_E0= -99 / radial ZP fit, ZP offset error RADZP_E1= -99 / radial ZP fit, slope error ZPRESMED= 26.1180232625907 / phot ZP of restricted catalog ZPRESSTD= 0.05556664231262003 / phot. ZP std.dev. of rest catalog ZPRES_SP= 26.17626472169714 / phot ZP upper 1 sigma of rest catalog ZPRES_SM= 26.06232943355017 / phot ZP lower 1 sigma of rest catalog ZPRES__N= 59 / phot ZP restricted catalog size ZPRES_MD= -9.578121874040892 / phot ZP restricted cat. median ODI mag ZPRES_MX= -8.750621874040892 / phot ZP restricted cat. max ODI mag ZPRES_MN= -11.74892187404089 / phot ZP restricted cat. min ODI mag ZPSLP_P0= 26.12224299506186 / phot ZP - magnitude slope - y0 ZPSLP_P1= -0.00017519504213362 / phot ZP - magnitude slope - y1 ZPSLP_E0= 0.03477097503599111 / phot ZP - magnitude slope - dy0 ZPSLP_E1= 0.00184012524127093 / phot ZP - magnitude slope - dy1 MAGZREF = 26.1 / reference photometric zeropoint MAGZ_AM1= 26.1599526684278 / phot Zeropoint corrected for airmass MAGZ_CT = F / was a color-term correction used MAGZ_COL= '' / color used in color-term correction MAGZ_CTC= 0.0 / slope of color-term SKYMAG = -99 / sky brightness in mag/arcsec^2 PHOTDPTH= 24.79493566418961 Filter bandpass definitions PHOTCLAM= 621.45 / central wavelength of filter [nm] PHOTBW = 138.31 / RMS width of filter [nm] PHOTFWHM= 138.31 / FWHM of filter [nm] FILTFILE= 'odi_r.txt' / filename of filter definition FILTAVGP= 623.193 / weighted center position [nm] FILTCTRP= 621.45 / filter center [nm] FILTFWHM= 138.31 / filter FWHM [nm] FILTBLUE= 552.67 / blue filter edge at half max [nm] FILTRED = 690.98 / red filter edge at half max [nm] FILTMAXT= 0.391 / filter maximum transmission FILTAVGT= 0.3109 / filter average transmission FILTEQWD= 51.69600000000001 / filter equivalent width [nm] FILTBLU5= 546.903 / blue filter edge at 5% max [nm] FILTRED5= 696.525 / red filter edge at 5% max [nm] CHECKSUM= 'i1dTk1ZQi1dQi1ZQ' / HDU checksum updated 2014-08-15T07:25:42 DATASUM = ' 0' / data unit checksum updated 2014-08-15T07:25:42 =============================== The following stars have been used to create the profiles: ==> Magnitude range 14.00 to 15.00 mag (source count: 13): --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ra Dec X Y OTA FWHM Background Flags Magnitude --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 344.989613 -0.090045 3654.225 1163.673 33 7.69 156.602 0 14.1604 345.076078 0.037585 2278.809 864.743 44 8.82 158.510 0 14.1234 345.037675 -0.113015 960.828 380.892 43 7.61 158.296 0 14.5589 345.029890 -0.063651 740.473 1966.612 43 8.12 157.654 0 14.1038 345.082507 -0.038277 2439.781 2745.497 43 7.72 158.999 0 14.1187 345.078588 -0.020887 2324.394 3304.438 43 7.48 157.653 0 14.6019 344.962751 -0.193375 2737.524 2156.170 32 7.51 157.955 0 14.3879 344.779599 -0.210945 1060.599 1675.044 22 8.33 159.707 0 14.1037 344.869052 -0.181173 3957.499 2589.315 22 7.54 158.513 0 14.3187 344.821028 -0.073043 2475.982 1773.606 23 8.46 156.919 0 14.0837 344.809840 -0.042456 2133.155 2759.858 23 7.57 156.272 0 14.9078 344.798357 -0.017043 1777.688 3580.333 23 7.54 156.598 0 14.8205 344.858803 0.033369 3751.311 823.832 24 7.41 156.925 0 14.9021 ================================================================================= ==> Magnitude range 15.00 to 16.00 mag (source count: 18): --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ra Dec X Y OTA FWHM Background Flags Magnitude --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 344.914555 0.076537 1343.620 2190.126 34 7.50 158.500 0 15.7919 344.931517 0.093273 1891.422 2720.816 34 7.53 159.091 0 15.1401 345.049665 0.050292 1440.130 1285.936 44 7.47 155.835 0 15.3456 345.041123 0.082527 1182.919 2322.359 44 7.45 156.258 0 15.6621 345.037091 0.083061 1054.192 2341.684 44 7.43 156.510 0 15.9542 345.084069 0.097339 2564.532 2773.354 44 7.49 157.948 0 15.5354 345.060594 -0.016623 1750.705 3452.098 43 7.51 156.831 0 15.4834 345.098202 -0.217155 2846.640 1314.144 42 7.63 157.760 0 15.4287 345.022262 -0.150974 450.068 3488.309 42 7.59 158.007 0 15.7667 345.079411 -0.144181 2283.722 3671.550 42 7.64 156.482 0 15.9358 344.939525 -0.249610 1960.574 357.757 32 7.67 158.984 0 15.9152 344.919376 -0.152372 1370.636 3495.109 32 7.57 157.566 0 15.9329 344.748136 -0.167131 73.620 3100.540 22 7.60 157.983 0 15.5014 344.821775 -0.141839 2461.841 3877.183 22 7.58 156.882 0 15.5516 344.805101 -0.109023 1943.994 626.492 23 7.53 156.182 0 15.8234 344.805896 -0.106088 1971.238 720.328 23 7.52 156.279 0 15.6073 344.856430 -0.026046 3637.428 3262.837 23 7.46 155.915 0 15.6749 344.806875 0.039009 2089.802 1040.598 24 7.51 157.114 0 15.6430 ================================================================================= ==> Magnitude range 16.00 to 17.00 mag (source count: 28): --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ra Dec X Y OTA FWHM Background Flags Magnitude --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 344.944305 -0.123434 2184.058 118.098 33 7.59 155.843 0 16.6957 344.979452 -0.105209 3320.343 683.536 33 7.62 156.542 0 16.7514 344.997651 -0.100243 3905.960 832.799 33 7.61 157.891 0 16.4892 344.884688 -0.078585 299.437 1585.703 33 7.61 158.768 0 16.7300 344.940479 -0.041367 2108.636 2747.912 33 7.64 155.822 0 16.0763 344.908120 0.058870 1132.486 1626.453 34 7.47 156.052 0 16.2981 344.962040 0.084425 2865.777 2428.097 34 7.51 156.149 0 16.9433 345.100947 0.024037 3068.039 417.492 44 7.44 158.354 0 16.7754 345.042409 0.033343 1199.589 747.566 44 7.47 155.592 0 16.1118 345.028479 0.096286 785.265 2769.889 44 7.43 155.944 0 16.7849 345.075045 0.125436 2289.933 3678.491 44 7.53 156.708 0 16.1578 345.080667 0.130966 2472.791 3852.706 44 7.53 157.597 0 16.9221 345.086814 -0.032891 2580.853 2915.175 43 7.50 157.995 0 16.0722 345.072216 -0.017137 2122.528 3428.407 43 7.45 157.573 0 16.7747 345.102711 -0.250675 2973.774 230.861 42 7.53 157.692 0 16.9826 345.033527 -0.207798 778.604 1655.547 42 7.57 156.762 0 16.1287 345.107735 -0.193564 3164.856 2067.144 42 7.53 156.945 0 16.8522 345.098715 -0.186887 2879.202 2287.645 42 7.57 156.986 0 16.7766 345.120033 -0.161080 3576.492 3103.550 42 7.63 157.288 0 16.8162 344.920767 -0.159507 1411.158 3265.370 32 7.50 157.708 0 16.5706 344.811433 -0.253999 2058.618 272.008 22 7.61 157.796 0 16.6848 344.862355 -0.236120 3709.300 824.320 22 7.55 163.321 0 16.4908 344.772101 -0.234277 803.144 926.096 22 7.62 158.770 0 16.2750 344.787060 -0.167921 1328.627 3056.469 22 7.61 156.754 0 16.8215 344.756174 -0.115721 365.116 433.153 23 7.56 158.470 0 16.8358 344.854561 -0.006396 3587.693 3893.304 23 7.51 155.438 0 16.6241 344.748126 0.043153 203.979 1214.892 24 7.58 152.552 0 16.7789 344.810798 0.082062 2243.728 2416.200 24 7.42 155.315 0 16.8833 =================================================================================