WIYN Observatory

WIYN T&E Planning

February 14-16, 2011 generic T&E

Contact: Heidi Schweiker
Attendees: Charles Corson, Dave Mills, Behzad Abareshi, Heidi Schweiker, Doug Williams, Lori Allen

Plans for February 14:
-UPS battery change ~9am-10:30am
-Incorporate TKCOMET changes (Behzad)
-Spare 8051 testing (Hutchinson, Corson)
-WTTM spare computer testing (Behzad)
-WHIRC scripting software changes "pauses" (Mills, Corson)
-Install WFS camera and computer (Corson)
-Replace wiyn-1 sound card (Behzad)

-TKCOMET testing (Corson, Doug, OA)
-WHIRC software testing (Mills, Corson)

Plans for February 15:
-Implement Probes GUI overlay (Mills, Doug)
-Implement WHIRC/MOP software changes (Mills, Allen)
-Contingency for WFScam install/testing (Corson)
-Engineering tour 11:30-2pm (Corson)

-WHIRC software testing (Mills, Allen)
-WHIRC headers check (Schweiker, Mills, Allen)
-WFScam testing/commissioning (Corson, Mills)

Plans for February 16:
-WTTM xy stage testing (Corson)
-Jenny & Di need access to the bench spec. room and dome flats, etc for setup

-Wavefronts (Corson, OA)

November 15-17, 2010 generic T&E

Contact: Heidi Schweiker
Attendees: Charles Corson, Dave Mills, Behzad Abareshi, Heidi Schweiker, Doug Williams, Lori Allen

Plans for November 15:
-Mount Encoder Tuning (Corson)
-Incorporate WTTM & TKCOMET changes (Behzad)
-Incorporate WHIRC Engineering GUI changes (Mills)
-Test MOP abort (Mills)
-Port new version of autolog (Mills)
-Incorporate WHIRC guide probe overlay (Mills)
-Primary mirror washing (Wally, Corson)
-FF lamp change/verification with WHRIC data (Williams)
-Dust obsinit testing (Schweiker, Marshall)

-Testing of daytime WTTM and WHIRC changes (Corson, Mills, OA, Schweiker)
-TKCOMET testing (Corson, OA)
-Pointing map (OA, Corson)
-Realigning of WTTM pick-off mirror (Corson, OA)

Plans for November 16:
-Reindexing of WNIR encoder (Corson)
-Secondary focus decollimation testing (Corson)
-Install test guide camera (Corson)
-Contingency for primary mirror washing (Wally, Corson)
-Contingency for FF lamp change/verification (Williams)
-Guide camera testing (Corson, Mills)
-Contingency for WTTM, WHIRC, TKCOMET testing (Corson, Mills, OA)
-Pointing map verification (Corson, OA)

Plans for November 17:
-Contingency for FF lamp change/verification (Williams)
-Install of 3rd monitor at OA station (Behzad, Schweiker)
-WTTM spare computer testing - 17th or 18th (Behzad)
-WTTM sky offsetting tests (Corson, Allen)
-WHIRC on-sky tests: standards, etc (Allen?, Joyce?)

Throughout T&E: testing of autolog (Schweiker)

October 19-21, 2010 generic T&E

Contact: Heidi Schweiker
Attendees: Charles Corson, Dick Joyce, Dave Mills, Nick Bucholz

Plans for October 19:
-Install/setup of test guide cameras (Corson, Mills)

-On-sky testing of guide cameras (Corson, Mills, OA)
-Pointing (OA)

Plans for October 20:
Daytime: Possible WHIRC MOP modifications
-WHIRC on-sky testing (Corson, Joyce, Mills, Bucholz)
-WTTM training (Corson, Joyce, OA)

Plans for October 21:
Daytime: Possible mirror washing or WHIRC testing
-WHIRC contingency
-Secondary tilt correction testing (Corson, OA)
-Investigate defocus with altitude (Corson, OA)
-Lookup tables (OA)

May 25-27, 2010 generic T&E

Contact: Heidi Schweiker
Attendees: Charles Corson, Heidi Schweiker, Behzad Abareshi, Nick Mostek

Plans for May 25:
-Install/setup of Mostek LBL chip on the bench (Corson, Mostek, OS)

-On-sky testing of Mostek LBL chip (Mostek)
-Lookup tables (OA)

Plans for March 26:
-Continuation of Mostek LBL chip on-sky testing (Mostek)

Plans for March 27:
-Dust obsinit testing (Marshall)
-Mac mini 2 install (Abareshi, Schweiker)
-Thermal data collection (OA, Corson)

March 24-26, 2010 generic T&E

Contact: Heidi Schweiker
Attendees: Charles Corson, Heidi Schweiker, Behzad Abareshi, Dick Joyce, Tom Wolfe, John Glaspey

Plans for March 24:
-Testing of the WTTM x/y stage and APDs (Corson)
-Dome control testing (Tom Wolfe)
-Bench MCB verification data (Glaspey)
-Testing of sound server on Cork (Abareshi, Schweiker)
-Tuning of video amplification system (Abareshi, Corson)
-Testing of obsinit on Cork (Marshall, Glaspey)

Nighttime: Testing of WTTM offsetting on sky. Also testing of telescope offsetting with WHIRC when there are rotator angle offsets. (Corson, Joyce, Abareshi, Schweiker, OA)

Plans for March 25:
Daytime: Thermal testing (Corson).
-Continuation of thermal testing (Corson, OA) either using the Finger Lakes camera or the wavefront camera.
-Lookup tables (OA)

Plans for March 26:
-WHIRC PTC data (Joyce)
-WHIRC observing (Tremonti group), if all else is finished (Joyce, observer)

Other items if time and personnel are available:
-Hydra 8051 spare card testing (Hutchinson, Abareshi)
-Wnir rotator investigation (Corson)

Notes: The APD's will be tested prior to the T&E. Sometime during the T&E Dick would like to repeat the PTC data (series of many dome flats).

January 26-28, 2010 generic T&E

Contact: Heidi Schweiker
Attendees: Charles Corson, Heidi Schweiker, Behzad Abareshi, Dick Joyce

Plans for January 26:
-Testing of the WTTM x/y stage. Project led by Charles Corson.
-Testing of WTTM offsetting on sky. Also testing of telescope offsetting with WHIRC when there are rotator angle offsets.

Plans for January 27:
-Thermal testing (Corson).
-Continuation of thermal testing (Corson, OA) either using the Finger Lakes camera or the wavefront camera.

Plans for January 28:

Notes: The APD's will be tested prior to the T&E. Sometime during the T&E Dick would like to repeat the PTC data (series of many dome flats).

November 2-4, 2009 generic T&E

Contact: Heidi Schweiker
Attendees: Derek Guenther, Charles Corson, Heidi Schweiker, Behzad Abareshi, Dick Joyce, Pat Knezek

Plans for November 2:
-Testing of the thermal system. Project led by Derek Guenther.
Nighttime (4pm-9pm):
-Continue testing of the thermal system. Project led by Derek Guenther.
Nighttime (9pm-sunrise):
-Obtaining wavefronts and images for Dan Blanco. Project led by Charles Corson and OA.

Plans for November 3:
-Tertiary support maintenance (Corson), WHIRC PAN/fiber link testing (Abareshi, Joyce), video clicker tests (Abareshi).
-WTTM testing and use (Corson, Schweiker, Joyce, Abareshi), WTTM use and exercising (Joyce, Abareshi, OA).

Plans for November 4:
-Video clicker tests (Abareshi).
Nighttime (5pm-11pm):
-Observations with Hydra of h & chi Persei. Project led by Knezek.
Nighttime (11pm-sunrise):
-Thermal testing. Project led by Corson.

Plans for November 5:
This is nominally a DD night for Pierre Martin observing with MiniMo but some time can be used for T&E activities if the preceeding nights are weathered out.

May 4-6, 2009 generic T&E

Contact: Heidi Schweiker
Attendees: Charles Corson, Pat Knezek, John Glaspey, Daryl Willmarth

Plans for May 4-6:
May T&E will concentrate on addressing the tertiary support. The Bench Upgrade team will also use some on-sky time to take standards.

April 7-8, 2009 generic T&E

Contact: Charles Corson
Attendees: Charles Corson

Plans for April 7-8:
April T&E will concentrate on recollimation of the optics.

Summary of 2009A T&E planning discussions

January 8-11, 2009 generic T&E

Contact: Heidi Schweiker
Attendees: Heidi Schweiker, Charles Corson, John Glaspey, Steve Howell, Dick Joyce, Doug Williams

Plans for January 8-11:
Nighttime (6pm-10pm):
-The first few hours of each night are reserved for any Bench on-sky acquisitions with Sparsepak or MiniMo. Project led by Knezek.
Nighttime (10pm-sunrise):
-The remaining nighttime hours are for testing/parameterization of WTTM with WHIRC. Detailed plans are on the KPNO wiki pages at:

Occultation mask testing by Howell will also occur on the night of Jan 11.

Once parameterization of WHIRC is complete, training to occur with Doug and Dick. Project led by Schweiker.

December 10-14, 2008 generic T&E

Contact: Heidi Schweiker
Attendees: Heidi Schweiker, Charles Corson, Derek Guenther, Wally Thurn, Behzad Abareshi, Dick Joyce, Doug Williams

-Plans to use daytime and some nighttime to continue maintenance on the primary active supports. Project led by Corson.
-Plans for nighttime include WHIRC/WTTM integration and paramaterization. See KPNO Wiki.
-Some science with WHIRC may also occur (Dick to arrange).
-Once parameterization of WHIRC is complete, training to occur with Doug and Dick. Led by Schweiker.

Plans for December 10 & 11:
Daytime (9am-4pm):
-Removal, testing, maintenance and installation of 3-4 active support units.
-Testing/confirm operation of active supports on-sky. Lookup table build.

Plans for December 12-14:
-Continued work on Active supports (if necessary).
-Testing/confirm operation of active supports on-sky and lookup tables (if necessary).
Evening (8pm-sunrise):
-WTTM/WHIRC integration testing. Plans are detailed on the KPNO Wiki

November 9-13, 2008 WHIRC T&E

Contact: Margaret Meixner
Attendees: Margaret Meixner et al

-Time was given to STScI in return for supplying WHIRC instrument. STScI to receive 4-6 nights/semester. No activities are planned that in clude WIYN or KPNO personnel.
-Plans are to use this time for any remaining commissioning activities or acceptance data as well as for science.

October 20/21, 2008 OPTIC T&E

Contact: Steve Howell
Attendees: Steve Howell, Heidi Schweiker

Plans for October 20:
-Original plan for use of this time was for Howell to test observations for January planetary group. Additional testing to include light c urve observations, service observing for a clouded-out fall program, and performance monitoring.

Performance monitoring will include:

Plans for October 21:
-Any items from above not completed on the 20th will be completed early on the 21st. If all activities are completed on the 20th, the 21st will be turned over early to the observer.

NSF University of Wisconsin Indiana University Purdue University Pennsylvania State University Princeton University

Last modified: 03-Apr-2020 13:59:38 MST